Speech & Language Therapy

We are here to help you speak...
Speech & Language Therapy
At Hear 2 Help, our Speech and Language Therapist is here to help babies, children and adults with speech, language, voice and or feeding difficulties.
We pride ourselves in providing ethical and evidence based services.
Communication difficulties can include difficulties in pronouncing and articulating sounds and words.
Language difficulties can include struggling to understand or produce language, like sentences or stories in written or verbal format.
Voice difficulties can include producing voice of poor voice quality, for example hoarseness.
Communication and feeding difficulties may be caused by many various medical conditions, and we are here to help you on your journey to recovery.
We are here to help you speak...
Speech & Language Therapy
At Hear 2 Help, our Speech and Language Therapist is here to help babies, children and adults with speech, language, voice and or feeding difficulties.
We pride ourselves in providing ethical and evidence based services.
Communication difficulties can include difficulties in pronouncing and articulating sounds and words.
Language difficulties can include struggling to understand or produce language, like sentences or stories in written or verbal format.
Voice difficulties can include producing voice of poor voice quality, for example hoarseness.
Communication and feeding difficulties may be caused by many various medical conditions, and we are here to help you on your journey to recovery.
Speech & Language Therapy Services
Speech & Language Therapy Services


- Oral motor/movement skills
- Articulation (Sound development and sound production)
- Stuttering
- Voice

Language Development

- Receptive language (ability to understand different kinds of words and sentences)
- Expressive language (ability to use words and sentences correctly)
- English second language stimulation
- Functional Communication for children with Autism

Auditory Processing

This is the ability of the child to understand and process what was heard in the presence of normal hearing and intelligence.

- Auditory Discrimination
- Auditory Sequencing
- Auditory Closure
- Auditory Synthesis
- Auditory Analysis
- Auditory Memory


- Accuracy
- Comprehension
- Speed


- Spelling and writing skills

Other Services

- Pre-literacy skills
- Letter identification
- Listening skills
- Inadequate academic performance and/or progress
- Follow-up with medication and dietary requirements

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